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GTB is a celebrity talent booking agency for paid events. GTB does not handle media requests, or interviews. GTB will not relay messages or ask celebrities for donations on your behalf. While celebrities do donate their time, they will always charge some kind of fee to do any event, project, venue or celebrity appearance. Celebrities do make charitable contributions. However, Global Talent Booking will not solicit donations on customers behalf. Celebrities and Bookable Talent will need at least the information we ask for on this request form. Completing the form, in full, can be the first step to booking the talent you want, today.
Talent Booking is dominated by negotiations, contracts, and details. In addition, the talent is always represented by their agents and attorneys. The question one should ask themselves is:
``Who will represent me?``
Global Talent Booking, with over 15 years of talent booking experience under our belt, has the connections, experience, & expertise you'll want on your side of the deal. We specialize is bringing exceptional talent to your doorstep, worldwide. We at Global Talent Booking have consistently booked events no matter their geographic location around the world. We have written contracts in thousands of jurisdictions, with individuals and organizations across various industries. Let us help you and your organization present a professional experience tailored precisely to your needs, budget, and time constraints. Let us help you streamline the negotiations, securing a fair price. Let us help you with standard logistics in unusual places, our experience on 6 continents is priceless when your organization avoids common pitfalls. We help you acquire the talent you want as well as manage all the ancillary booking service requirements. Global Talent Booking is the Professional Talent Booking Agency for all your needs including but not limited to: