Private Events are a great way to celebrate a special event in your life. They are also a part of annual events like Cannes, Oscars, Sundance, CES, Superbowl Week, Indianapolis 500 to name a few. With over 15 years of booking talent into private parties, we know how to help you get from idea to "It happened" posts on facebook. Whether it's a birthday celebration, a holiday, wedding, charity or any other special occasion we are ready to help you with your private event. Global Talent Booking, with extensive contacts including entertainers, artists, comedians, models, personalities, and celebrities can help you find the right talent, quickly and efficiently.
Why will Global Talent Booking benefit me?
Booking talent for private events often comes down to negotiation, business history, and timing. We have been negotiating entertainment contracts for over 15 years, and as your booking agent, are here to defend you. Second, entertainers take our calls based on our business history. Third, if the celebrity isn't available due to timing considerations, we help you find another in time for the event. Let us help you avoid the pitfalls and
start booking your exciting experience today.
Global Talent Booking books all kinds of entertainment for private parties. We've booked talent in the form of a musical performance, celebrity appearance host, booked comedians, masters of ceremony, maitre d, private stadium or venue appearances, and even private cruises or travel. We've booked talented motivational speakers in side rooms before key events, accomplished scientists to motivate current R&D team at a test site, and so much more. Global Talent Booking can be a great way to insure that your event is completely memorable for all those that are in attendance.
Because you want to ensure that the event is a success, it is important to engage the services of a very experienced entertainment booking agent. An entertainment booking agent, like those at Global Talent Booking, will ensure that your private event is exciting and has the best possible talent and presentation, for any budget or any size event. Working with a talent booking agency equipped with global reach ensures you get treated like the big guys.
The process of booking talent for a private event starts with an inquiry which gives the entertainment agent an idea of your event style, budget, dates, and other key info entertainment agents need to find you the best artist for your private event. Next, an official offer will be discussed to present to the artists. Upon the artist's acceptance of the official booking offer, contracts are issued and deposits are scheduled for payment. While the steps may appear to be simple, the details within each step can be very complex and must be handled with the most delicate care to insure all sides of the negotiation are happy, respected, and properly represented.
Event Planning Documents:
Download these PDFs to help you prepare for your next event: