When booking talent for an event, it is sometimes difficult to navigate through the different channels to secure the specific talent that you desire. With Global Talent Booking, you get access to lists and lists of name talent from the world. You don't have to stumble through numerous different medians to get to one prospect. Global Talent Booking allows you to go to one place for all of your potential needs.
After you choose the MMA fighter that you desire and contact us, an experienced Global Talent representative will assist you in booking the athlete for your event at a fair price and without having to endure a lot of different people.
Pick from some of the best from the Ultimate Fighters, including Georges St-Pierre, Anderson Silva, Chuck Liddell, and John Jones. Some of these athletes have even made their way into cameo's in some of our favorite films, like Chuck Liddell in Kick Ass 2, and Georges St-Pierre in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. This means that these athletes transcend the line between athlete and actor, which stretches your reach to attract an even larger turnout at your event.
It's not only the fame that makes fans revere them so much. But it's also the fact that they train hard and put in the time and effort to become the best fighters in the world. These athletes have become legends for their ability to step into a ring with another trained fighter and enter an all-out brawl. They add immeasurable value to the social atmosphere of your event with their presence alone. Global Talent recognized the surge in mixed martial arts very early on and sought out to connect with these fighting stars so that their talents can still be beneficial outside of the cage.
Mixed Martial Arts is currently a very prevalent sport that is even over taking boxing in its popularity. Having an MMA fighter at your event will create a buzz that will increase attendance, and then (if applicable) will increase revenue. Whether it is a charity event or fundraiser, a private party, a club event, or a festival, Global Talent booking can help make it a success.
Our agents obtain your offer and utilize our established relationships to reach out to clients in ways that would be a lot harder otherwise. The agents parley on your behalf and on behalf of the client to get an appropriate transaction to please you both. Global Talent Bookings is meticulous in finding a good price for you to book your MMA star. We also aid in the logistics and the formalities so that you can focus all of your time and effort on everything else related to your event. We know that it takes a lot of work to execute a proper event.
After selecting your MMA athlete from our directory of talent here on the Global Talent Booking website, speak to one of our veteran agents, who will then take the process into their hands, secure the best deal for you, and make certain that your event is unforgettable.
(Talent Listed Alphabetically)