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GTB is a premiere Hollywood talent booking agency that can help you book DJs, artists and musicians for your next event. We book talent for corporate events, private parties, commercial performances, college concerts, and your event.


Booking Events

Entertainment Agent

Talent Agency

Booking Agent for YG
Booking Agent for Flo Rida
Booking Agent for 50 Cent
Booking Agent for Mac Miller
Booking Agent for Snoop Dogg
Booking Agent for Sean `P.Diddy` Combs
Booking Agent for Lil Wayne
Booking Agent for Nicki Minaj
Booking Agent for Kendrick Lamar
Booking Agent for B.O.B.
Booking Agent for Ludacris
Booking Agent for Tyga
Booking Agent for 2 Chainz
Booking Agent for Carl Thomas
Booking Agent for Brandy
Global Talent Booking is at booking agency of Entertainment Agents. An Entertainment Agent stands ready to help you book your next concert, event, or show. An entertainment agent, also known as a talent agent or booking agent, is very informed about all aspects of the entertainment business. When you hire an Entertainment Agent you can expect them to be knowledgeable about contract negotiation, talent availability, legal contract prosecution, travel, international logistics, and much more. Basically your entertainment agent will help ensure you have all that goes into making a successful event. It is the entertainment agent's job to match appropriate celebrities, musicians and other talent with concert promoters and investors.

Global Talent Booking Agents make an expert entertainment agent for your next show. We strive to be in tune with the needs of the buyer/promoter as well the requirements of the talent. A GTB entertainment agent has a keen understanding of what kind of celebrity makes sense for various types of events and can help find the entertainer that is right for you. A Global Talent Booking entertainment agent is knowledgeable of major and minor markets business schemes to optimize your outcome across the United States or the World Over. Our Entertainment Agent team has business concepts, marketing approaches, and more to help you plan your event.
Contact us to be your Entertainment Agent.

An entertainment booking agent handles all the key points of an agreement between promoters and celebrities, actors, musicians, and other talent. Agents ensure that every situation and potential problem that may arise when booking corporate and public events will be addressed professionally and with poise. To be a Global Talent Booking Entertainment Agent one has to have a thorough understanding of all aspects of booking talent, a decade of experience, and firm grip on the entertainment available today. Our Entertainment Agent is expected to not only understands the world of musicians and celebrities but also have an understanding of business, finance, and contractual law. Our experienced entertainment agents have a background in legal services as well as investment principles and analysis.
Contact us to be your Entertainment Agent.

The team at Global Talent Booking is able to be your entertainment agent; providing a wealth of information, knowledge, and business acumen to anyone entering the world of concert booking, investing and or concert promoting. Global Talent Booking is happy to be hired on as an adviser to, or ``trainer`` during the planning a corporate event. From understanding what a `musician needs` to `confirm an event` to evaluating which investment strategies are appropriate for varying situations, our team will field a professional entertainment agent to help you along. Others have found this be an invaluable training tool to their own event promoters.
Contact us to be your Entertainment Agent.

Book World Class Talent:

International Talent Booking Global Talent Booking Agents have decades of experience. Unlike most agents in the Talent & Entertainment industry, who average just a few years experience, Global Talent Booking Agents have over a decade of experience. Our agents help you book the right act, at the right price, every time. Global Talent Booking has booked thousands of bands, djs, models, hosts, masters of ceremony, and motivational speakers on 6 out of 7 continents. We've booked talent for work, pleasure, and everything in between. Global Talent Booking has booked thousands of performers, celebrities, musicians, speakers, models, actresses, actors, athletes, comedians, and artists. We stand ready to leverage this experience and expertise for you, and your next event. Don't settle for second rate agents or agencies. Demand better when it comes to booking your talent. Demand Global Talent Booking:
Contact a GTB Talent Booking Agent!

Bookable Talent Rosters:

Still not sure what type of talent is Right for You? Global Talent Booking can help. Our agents can suggest a handful of popular acts for your Corporate Event, Private Party, Festival, Show, or Promotional Moment. Our Talent Booking Agents are here to help you with what you need. Can't wait to see more? Click on one of several of the top entertainment genres below. Each is an example of world class entertainers GTB is ready to start booking for your next event.

Talent Booking Services:

Talent Booking

Talent Booking is dominated by negotiations, contracts, and details. In addition, the talent is always represented by their agents and attorneys. The question one should ask themselves is:

``Who will represent me?``

Global Talent Booking, with over 15 years of talent booking experience under our belt, has the connections, experience, & expertise you'll want on your side of the deal. We specialize is bringing exceptional talent to your doorstep, worldwide. We at Global Talent Booking have consistently booked events no matter their geographic location around the world. We have written contracts in thousands of jurisdictions, with individuals and organizations across various industries. Let us help you and your organization present a professional experience tailored precisely to your needs, budget, and time constraints. Let us help you streamline the negotiations, securing a fair price. Let us help you with standard logistics in unusual places, our experience on 6 continents is priceless when your organization avoids common pitfalls. We help you acquire the talent you want as well as manage all the ancillary booking service requirements. Global Talent Booking is the Professional Talent Booking Agency for all your needs including but not limited to:

Artists and Performers
College Concerts
Corporate Events
Event Production
Marketing and Promotions
Music Festivals
Private Events
Booking Agent for Daft Punk
Booking Agent for DJ Lisa Lashes
Booking Agent for Carl Cox
Booking Agent for Crystal Method
Booking Agent for Colette
Booking Agent for DJ Irene
Booking Agent for DADA Life
Booking Agent for Dash Berlin
Booking Agent for Marco V
Booking Agent for Marco Carola
Booking Agent for Manufactured Superstars
Booking Agent for Marcus Schossow
Booking Agent for Maceo Plex
Booking Agent for Louie Vega
Booking Agent for Mark Farina

Click to Start Booking Talent Now.

Global Talent Booking - Helping You Hire Talent. We are Event Booking Specialists!
GTB: a Beverly Hills, California Event Booking, Talent Booking, and Concert Booking Agency
9107 Wilshire Blvd Suite 450, Beverly Hills, CA 90210, USA
Phone: 1-310-272-7118                   Fax: 1-310-564-7754
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